Since each one of our members is different, every care plan is different too. We carefully customize each member’s day according to their emotional, medical, and social needs. As people grow and change, we re-evaluate these plans.
Memory-impaired older adults, frail elderly seniors, and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities need stimulating activities to develop and maintain social and independent living skills.
SandRuby Community Programs are designed to meet the specific needs of these distinct groups of older adults:
An intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more serious decline of dementia. Memory impairment can involve problems not only with memory, but with language, thinking and judgment.
Older adults who are afflicted with physical or mental disabilities that may interfere with the ability to independently perform activities of daily living. These deficits may limit the ability of these adults to live independently and predispose them to illnesses and the negative side effects of treatment.
A mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments that require a combination and sequence of special interdisciplinary care and treatment, which are of lifelong and individually planned and coordinated.